And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth." And there was evening, and there was morning - the fifth day. (Genesis 1:20-23)
Is this the evolution of the species?
We see here that God instigated the programming for the evolution of species. His instruction was "Be fruitful.""Let the water teem with living creatures," indicates that God impregnated the waters with living organisms. This comes after the land was impregnated with seeds to grow trees.
These waterborne living organisms include the single-celled amoebae that scientists postulate were the first creatures.
'So God created the great creatures of the sea...' The Hebrew phrase הַגְּדֹלִים וְאֵת כָּל־ (where אלהים (Elohiym) refers to the Supreme Being or the God of gods), translated here to 'So God ...' implies that there was a continuation of the process. This, combined with His instruction to "be fruitful" illustrates that the Supreme Being programmed an evolving process of an expansion of organisms.
This is no different than the process of evolution. Evolution is that process where organism populations expand and become fruitful.
It is useless to deny the process of evolution. Why? Because we can observe creatures evolving all around us. Evolution was programmed into our DNA. In other words, living organisms were created to evolve.
We can compare this process to a complex computer program. A computer programmer will create a program that takes in data, and with that data, produce changes in the display and functions of the program. Let's say the program was a game: The program has codes that allow the input of information from the operator, and those inputs result in different outputs by the program.
Let's take the program called "Sims," for example. This program allows a user to create entire cities. How can it do that? The original programmer of the game Sims wrote instructional code that allows the operator to input preferences into the program. Once the preferences are entered, the program spits out a graphic display that reflects the inputs of the operator to the extent of the computer's capabilities.
Is DNA a form of programming?
In much the same way, the Supreme Being programmed evolution into DNA. Some of His instructional codings are mentioned here: "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky;" and "be fruitful." These are body instructional programming code.There are two input methods for God's DNA programming. The DNA program allows the living being occupying the organism to feed in its preferences during the lifespan of the organism. These are the desires of the living being within. In the tiniest creatures, the capabilities of the organism (mind and body) is very basic, so it will only allow for basic inputs related to survival and the desire for more complexity - allowing a greater chance for survival and better sense consumption.
The more complex organisms allow for more complex inputs and outputs. The living being within higher animal forms and human forms can input the most complex instructions. This might be compared to a very complex program together with an advanced computer system.
While His statement was originally translated by those who were not aware of DNA, we can know that God was referencing DNA with His statement. The word "seed" here is translated from the Hebrew word זרע (zera`), which can mean 'seed, sowing, offspring' or 'semen virile' according to the lexicon. At the heart of these are DNA.
A single seed contains millions of DNA sequences that precisely determine the shape, size, type of leaf and type of fruit of a tree that grows from it. And this tree will produce thousands of seeds that each have the same DNA codes to create duplicates.
Seeds are the basis for life within the physical world because they bring together and pass on DNA. DNA is a complex type of protein that essentially passes on to the next generation the body type of a living organism's ancestors, together with an adaptive learning system. This adaptive learning system allows generations to change and evolve in intelligence.
DNA is a programming language. The machine language that underlies all computer languages is the binary code: A series of 1s and 0s, arranged in sequences of bits and longer bytes. These sequences create instructions that essentially drive the hardware of the computer. Software programming instructs over top of this machine language.
Instead of a binary system, God created a more complex quaternary (4) programming code within DNA. His DNA programming language utilizes a sugar/phosphate backbone, with each sugar/phosphate on the chain attached to one of four amino bases: Adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) or thymine (T). The possible combinations of these four create the famous "base pair" combinations.
The computer binary system contains bits composed of either a 1 or a 0. A byte (like a word) is a sequence of eight bits (such as 10011010). God's DNA programming code contains base pairings of either A, C, G or T (equivalent to bits), from which any three forms a codon - such as AGC, ATC, TAG, and so on. This codon can be compared to a byte. It is shorter than an eight number byte, but because there are four possible bits - as opposed to the two of computer language (1 or 0) - the precision of the language is far more advanced.
In other words, the four-bit, three-combination byte language of DNA creates an extensive array of possible bytes, but these are further assembled into larger DNA sequences. A typical chromosome, for example, can contain over 220 million codons!
Is this world coded?
We know that the modern era binary system was invented around the turn of the 18th Century by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716). Its predecessor was developed in the Third Century B.C.E. by Pingala from India. This binary system was later developed utilized as machine code in the first computers.Soon thereafter, others developed software languages such as Fortran, Cobol, C+, BASIC and others that wrote over top of machine language. In other words, computer programming languages were developed by people - conscious living beings with purpose and intention.
And just as computer programming languages come from conscious persons, the DNA programming language was also developed by a conscious living being: The Supreme Being.
As we expand this application to "semen virile" we find this same programming language process within the semen of all animals and humans, with the ability of a combination of sperm and egg producing duplicate embryos.
Almost duplicates, that is. The Supreme Being also programmed an ingenious facility into the language of DNA and the processes of protein creation. He created a feedback-mutation system that allows organisms to adapt to environmental influences. This produces a learning process, whereby organisms gradually improve through this learning process by utilizing slight modifications to their DNA.
What is the coding of evolution?
DNA is a form of coding or programming. And the programming of DNA creates the process of evolution. This programming ultimately allows the spirit-person an opportunity to embody those species that match the consciousness of the spirit.While Darwin and modern evolutionists like to assume that this process of evolution is taking place accidentally, there is no logical or scientific basis for this assumption. As we've taken a peak 'under the hood' into the DNA system, we see an elaborate programming language, capable of determining our body structure and future disease variation. The chance that this complex language is accidental is remote, as explained by Dr. Francis Crick, one of the discoverers of DNA:
Our internal input system is combined with external environmental inputs: The surrounding environment. The senses bring in these environmental inputs, and they are combined with the desires of the living being within to produce changes in the DNA programming. These two combined form what is called epigenetics - which results in changes to the DNA, and gradual changes to the body of coming generations.
Just as the computer program is designed for inputs from the computer operator, the living organism is programmed for inputs from the living being operating the organism. Likewise, the external environment of the organism would be comparable to the hardware (monitor, keyboards, camera and so on) and the computer's machine language. This allows for information to be input into the program by the operator, and the images that appear on the monitor screen of the computer.
Both the computer program and the DNA program of living organisms require two types of living beings. The first is the programmer: That is God, as explained in this verse of Genesis. 'So God created...' indicates that God assembled the programming instructions that allowed for organisms to grow and evolve, according to the inputs of the living beings that occupy the bodies of these organisms.
What is the core element of life?
This is the only logical scientific conclusion that fits both observation and logic - not to mention scripture. Darwinist evolutionists today have proposed that life was accidentally created from a combination of proteins, and evolved from there. But they offer no scientific evidence that chemicals can transition from being dead and purposeless to becoming alive and complete with the desire to survive.Why would dead chemicals suddenly desire to survive? It would be easier to remain dead chemicals, where there would be no challenge to survival.
The scientific conclusion is that every living organism is operated by a non-physical living being who is separate from the biochemistry of the organism. How do we know this? There are a number of clear indications of this. The first and most obvious is that upon the death of a living organism, the entire physical body is still evident, yet there is no life in that organism. Every biochemical is still there right after death. Every cell is still there. Every organ is there. Every enzyme is there. All the blood and body fluids are still there.
Until decomposition takes place, the organism is precisely as it was when the organism was alive. This is supported by a variety of experiments over the centuries. Nothing physical is missing from a dead body.
Yet after death, the organism is lifeless. After death, there is no function. There is no will. There is no desire. There is no quest to survive. What is missing is the individual life force that drove the life of the body. Whether the creature is advanced or simple, we see the same thing: Upon death, the subtle life force is gone.
Because we cannot see, measure or find any matter missing, this indicates clearly that the life force of the body is not physical. It is of another dimension: One that the physical eyes and their extensions (our various instruments) cannot penetrate. This has been confirmed with hundreds of thousands of cases of clinical death - where a person dies during hospital care, and separates from their body, and even views the body from above.
How could someone whose body was clinically dead (and eyes closed) see their own body from the ceiling? The only explanation is that we are talking about a spiritual being.
The living being is a spiritual individual that originates from the spiritual dimension. Each individual living being has a will, desires, objectives and purpose for living. This individual is non-material, yet when it is occupying a physical body, it seeks to utilize that physical body for its purposes.
We can compare this with a car. Just consider: A person cannot walk out onto the highway. If we did, we'd get smashed by speeding cars and trucks. But if we got into a car, and began driving the car; with the car, we can merge onto the freeway and drive there. Thus, it is only via the facility of the car that we can gain entrance onto the highway.
In the same way, the spiritual living individual utilizes the physical body to function within the physical world. As we 'drive' these bodies, their programming allows us to slowly and subtly manipulate the organism for longer survival and better sense enjoyment.
Why? What is the purpose? Beyond sheer sense enjoyment, the purpose of these physical organisms and their ability to slowly evolve is that they evolve as the spiritual living individual within begins to evolve. To evolve means to learn. Learning produces evolution, and evolution reflects learning.
How does the soul evolve?
There are thus two types of evolution taking place simultaneously.The first type of evolution is the external evolution of the organism vessels. In each era of evolution, as the living beings slowly advanced in their learning, the DNA of each organism, through many generations, evolved. How did they evolve? Their evolution reflected the specific consciousness of those living beings occupying those bodies.
For example, as an amoeba desired to reach out and grab its meals, its DNA reflected that desire and appendages slowly developed through many generations. And as those living beings successively occupied those evolving organisms, their desires - in combination with their learning as God programmed in - allowed for successive bodies to advance on the evolutionary scale.
And over the millions of years of this process, advanced organisms evolved as those living beings advanced to the next levels in their learning process
This could be compared with school. Let's say that a child goes into kindergarten. The kindergarten classroom is set up to reflect that level of consciousness. The classroom will have lots of toys and games, and coloring books and crayons. This allows the child to learn real basic things. If they succeed in learning at that level, they go on to the first grade. Here the classroom also has toys and coloring books, but it also offers a more complex regimen of learning. The learning is more focused.
Then the classrooms of the second, third and fourth grade and so on continue to reflect the focused learning of the child. With each successive grade, the lessons change, the teachers change, and the classrooms look different, reflecting the stage of learning the child is on. This is exactly what each successive organism offers to each living being within.
Now should the child not learn the lessons of a particular grade, they are kept back until they learn those lessons. This also takes place in the physical world. If the person does not learn the lessons of a particular level, they will stay at that level until they learn those lessons.
This illustrates the mechanism for which the second type of evolution - the evolution of the inner spiritual individual - is achieved. In the most simple stages (the lower creatures) the individual is learning about how to deal with others. At the most basic levels, we are learning about caring for our offspring and our "brother" organisms. In colony-type organisms, each individual learns to cooperate with others and not be greedy. As these initial lessons are learned, we advance from one creature to the next.
As one organism dies, the living being then is born within the body of another organism. If the living being has learned the lessons of the previous organism, we will graduate up to the body of an organism that allows for a greater level of learning. For example, over many lifetimes, a living being might graduate from being a bee in a bee colony (where we learn cooperation and caring for a queen and hive) to being born in the body of a fox, where we can have our own family, and learn more complex lessons of love, kindness, and survival.
What is the purpose of the soul's evolution?
This evolution process allows each living being a unique path to gradually learn how to love. Should we progress with each body, the living being may graduate up to the level of the human body. Here, the person learns even greater lessons of love - and more importantly, the ability to access the principles related to re-establishing our lost relationship of loving service with the Supreme Being.Should we achieve this human form and use it to re-establish our relationship with God, we can 'graduate' out of the 'school' of the physical world and return home to the spiritual dimension.
And what is the physical world supposed to teach us? The physical world is a rehabilitation center for those who became self-centered, and envious of God. The spiritual world is a place of love and loving relationships between God's children (us) and God and His Associates. But in order to have true love, we must have freedom. Therefore, we have the choice to love God or not. For those of us who chose not to love God, God created the physical universe as a place of learning, for us to rehabilitate.
Why should we rehabilitate? Because our loving service relationship with God is our natural position. We were created as God's loving servants. This is our identity. Thus we will only be fulfilled in that position.
Ultimately, the evolutionary process programmed by the Supreme Being is set up to bring us back home to God out of our own free will. God wants us back. He loves us, and He wants us to be happy.
Consider another translation for these verses in Chapter One of the New Book of Genesis.