And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth." And it was so. God made two great lights - the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning - the fourth day. (Genesis 1:14-19)
What is electromagnetism?
Here we find the Supreme Being has produced an intertwining of light, time and the electromagnetic elements that allow planets to rotate around the sun; and solar systems that rotate around each galaxy center.Remember again that this is a simplified version of creation that allows the human mind and sensual experience to relate with the concept that everything around us has been created by a Supreme Being.
For those who consider themselves scientists who might scoff at such a simplistic version of creation, we ask what would be the result if the explanation of creation discussed black holes and galaxies and the so many other elements of nature that humankind had never heard of? Would this create any more understanding of the central lesson - that everything was created by a Supreme Being?
Even today, though physicists now theorize that the center of each galaxy is a black hole, no one has ever seen a black hole and there is no absolute proof they exist. How do they know the center of the galaxy is a black hole, then? The answer is that the black hole is the only thing they have been able to imagine that will fit the holes in their observations and equations.
But what if the scripture discussed scientific elements never seen before? What if Genesis discussed the many, many elements that scientists have yet to discover? These elements, would, of course, be too small for the eye and modern microscopes to see, and/or too far away for our telescopes or radioscopes to pick up. Would scientists then assume those elements existed, and suddenly trust that God must have created the universe since they have never heard of those elements?
No. How do we know this? Because the scriptures already describe elements beyond our senses, and this doesn't seem to make much difference: the scriptures describe the existence of a Supreme Being Who has the ability to create the entire physical universe, and a transcendental universe of another dimension, outside the physical dimension. And this doesn't seem to make much difference to many modern scientists. They still want to deny the existence of God.
Why can't our instruments find God?
This is despite the fact that modern scientists keep looking deeper and deeper, smaller and smaller, and further and further away for the precise element that is God. Scientists are looking for that element that provides the key to the structure and creation of the universe. They keep looking for that particle that holds matter together on the most fundamental level. They are, in fact, looking for God.It is so obvious that modern physicists are looking for God that in 1993, Leon Lederman, Ph.D. coined the hypothetical particle determined in particle accelerator studies the "God Particle." This particle, also called the Higgs Boson particle, has never been seen or otherwise observed directly. It is only something that would fit their calculations. It has remained, according to these scientists, "elusive."
Okay, so let's get this straight. First, modern science has rejected the concept that a Supreme Being exists, even though the existence of a Supreme Being is the only element that can perfectly provide a clear and logical Source for all the material elements, as well as the source for all the living elements (personality, the desire to survive, intelligence, etc.).
Instead and in lieu of this most obvious choice, theoretical physicists insist on an imaginary and elusive particle they call the "God particle" that supposedly fits their equations. So this elusive particle must be the key element that is the source of everything?
Does this make any sense? Is it also the source of life? How can it be the source of life if it is not in itself alive?
Furthermore, this elusive "God particle" is being portrayed by science as having no intelligence and no purpose for existence. It is like all their other theories including quarks, strings, and theories of everything: Objects of their imaginations. They are lifeless creations of their minds. They are no more real than a bedtime story made up to put a child to sleep.
And these theoretical physicists like to accuse scripture of being without proof? What kind of proof do they have that their theories of accidental, random creation are true?
Even though the existence of a Supreme Being would fulfill all their mathematical equations and calculations (evidenced by naming the Higgs Boson particle the "God Particle"), these theoretical scientists prefer their imaginary theories. Why? Because these theories give these individual scientists the means to continue to ignore God's existence.
If they can ignore God's existence, they don't have to worship anyone other than themselves. They don't have to glorify anyone other than themselves and their colleagues. They can seek their own glory and their own fame as they achieve the acclaim and admiration of others for coming up with the most profound 'theory of everything.'
Why? Because this is our disease. This is why we are here in this physical universe in the first place: Because we wanted to get away from God. We want to ignore God. Why? Because we would rather be God than serve God.
If God exists, why can't we see Him?
The first part of the answer is that God is not like a mountain or a rock. He is not an inanimate object: God is alive. He is a Person. God is the Supreme Person. He is a living being, with intelligence, emotions, feelings, individuality, and purpose, Who comes from a dimension transcendental to this physical dimension.The second part of the answer is that just because God isn't seen with the physical eyes doesn't mean He doesn't exist. It is like two children playing in a park down the street from their houses, and one asking the other: "If your parents exist, why can't I see them?"
Obviously, we cannot see God because our senses, on their own, do not have the ability to see God. They are equipped to see only a small range of physical structures, made of molecules that light reflects off and through with particular colors. Scientists also accept this, as they propose that quarks exist even though we cannot see a quark.
So our real question should be: Why are our eyes not equipped to see God?
Put in a better way: Why is God not allowing us to see Him?
Our physical bodies were designed to be in ignorance about God's existence. This is part of God's design. There is a purpose for this.
Each of us is temporarily occupying a gross physical body designed for certain tasks: navigating a physical world replete with a host of lessons and learning experiences. We can each look at our lives and realize that we are each going through a unique set of learning experiences through the years. And through each of the learning experiences, we are met up with a set of choices about what direction we want to go from here.
During this learning environment, God is unseen. This is because, first of all, each of us rejected God at one point or another in our existence. Thus, we have landed in these temporary physical bodies that cannot see Him. So we got our wish. Like an angry teenager who runs away from home, we are each now seemingly independent of God. We can now pretend that each of us is the center of the universe - even though it is obvious we are not.
Is there another world?
There is a dimension that is transcendental to this one. It is the world of love and loving service. In that world, everyone loves and serves the Supreme Being and the Supreme Being's associates. But a few of us decided we were too good for that. We decided we wanted to be served. We wanted to be the center. We wanted to be the subject of worship and admiration. In other words, we got greedy. We got selfish. And it is this self-centeredness that plays out amongst our earthly society – as we can see all around us in the greed, violence, and struggles for power taking place throughout this world.Now we are here, seemingly independent of God. We can each now choose whether we want to accept that someone greater than me exists. Can there be a God? Someone greater than me? We must choose. And go through our various lessons. This is also why we are here: To rehabilitate. If we choose to learn and evolve, and come to accept that God exists, then we can evolve and grow closer to Him, and maybe return to the spiritual world.
And this is precisely why God is invisible to our eyes at the moment. If His existence was obvious, we would not have the choice to accept Him or not.
Let's compare this to a situation we see in typical relationships. While this analogy isn't complete, it will serve the purpose. Let's say a wife begins realizing that her husband no longer treasures their relationship. He is taking their relationship for granted and begins flirting with other women and carrying on as though he doesn't care for her. So she says enough is enough and tells him they need to separate for a while to see if he really wants to be married to her.
So they separate. How do they separate? Do they just move into adjacent rooms? No. One of them moves out of the house so that they do not see each other for a while. For a period of time, they have no contact. Why?
The period of no contact allows the man the ability to independently choose whether he wants to be with his wife. Not having her around gives him the freedom to choose. If every time he turned around she was there, this would hardly give the man the ability to make a clear choice.
This is sort of what the Supreme Being has done. Each of us is intimately connected to God. Once we rejected Him, He sent us off to be on our own, gave us a virtual world and temporary physical bodies to dwell within temporarily; in order to give us the choice of whether we wanted to be with Him or not. That is the purpose of the physical world.
Consider another translation for these verses in Chapter One of the New Book of Genesis.